
Bloxwich Golf Club

Entrant List for GLAZE BOWL

158 players have been signed up for this competition as of 12:40 AM Sunday 29th September

Steve Ashcroft (7.2)
Lee M Aston (6.6)
Jeremy Ball (15.2)
Peter J Ball (20.7)
Peter R Ball (20.3)
Neil Bateman (20.5)
Mark Beardsmore (20.6)
Trevor Birch (25.3)
Steve Boffin ()
Dennis Ward Bond ()
Warren Ward Bond (5.6)
Dave Booker (23.2)
Michael Booker (Ingestre Park Golf Club)
Kevin Boswell (9.5)
Ian Bottomer (Chiltern Forest)
John Bottomer (19.6)
Alan Broadhurst (34.4)
John T Brown (9.0)
Steven M Brown (14.6)
Tony Burke (27.6)
Derek Butler (26.9)
Andrew Chambers (16.0)
Michael Chambers (15.2)
Thomas Chambers (13.1)
John Chapman (13.8)
Martin Collins ()
Christopher Cooper (12.1)
Ian Cooper (10.0)
Steven Copeland (25.1)
Francis X Corcoran (19.6)
Gary Crosby (Shifnal Golf Club)
Neil Cyster (15.4)
Andrew Dale (11.4)
Alan Danks (24.2)
Bryn R Davis (14.6)
Ron Davis (16.9)
Peter Dowen (24.6)
Nick Downes (18.9)
Darren Drewett (17.0)
Philip Drury (8.0)
Wayne Steven Drury (13.4)
Ray Eccleston (14.7)
John Egan (18.5)
David Ellick (15.2)
Peter George Espin (Whittington Heath)
Andrew Evans (Churston Golf Club)
David Evans (24.7)
David J Evans (18.0)
Matt Evans (8.0)
Brian Faulkner (19.2)
Robert Foster (14.1)
Stephen Foster (Wrekin Golf Club)
Stephen Fox (15.2)
Paul Gallear (9.2)
stewart gardiner (Great Barr Golf Club)
Barry Mark Gilkes (24.3)
John Gittings (17.7)
Nick Gomery (Chesterton Valley Golf Club)
Karl Griffiths ()
David Hall (Sandwell Park)
Nigel Hammond (12.0)
Charles Haseley (14.7)
Jonathan Haynes (6.7)
Kevin John Haynes (12.6)
Michael Heath (13.1)
John Heminsley (26.2)
Andy Hill (12.9)
Ian Edward Hogben (17.1)
Richard Holland (16.6)
K Homer (Beau Desert Golf Club)
Nigel Hopkins (6.1)
M Humphries (Druids Heath Golf Club)
Ian Hurcombe (16.2)
Mike James (33.4)
Fred Jewkes (21.7)
Darren Jones (15.2)
Stephen W Jones (25.8)
Paul Joynes (23.6)
Christopher Kirwan (6.4)
Michael Langley (10.0)
Steve Lawley (18.8)
Christopher Lee (28.0)
Clive Lee (8.7)
Geoff Lewis (21.7)
Brian Longdon (14.1)
Steve Luker (18.5)
Brian Marks (20.9)
Martin William Mayo (6.7)
David Thomas Micklewright (16.9)
Neil Micklewright ()
Peter Mildoon (18.7)
N Mills (Patshull Park Golf Club)
Peter Mills (Patshull Park Golf Club)
Stephen Mills (9.6)
Paul Morgan (24.9)
Michael Mosedale (10.7)
James Nealen (24.9)
Alex Neill (22.9)
Colin Norman (21.4)
Steven Norman (Cannock Park Golf Club)
M A Nugent (Great Barr)
Con O'Connor (8.8)
Philip Paddock (13.4)
Wiiliam John Parkes (16.3)
Anthony Charles Parr (24.0)
Roger Parsonage (16.1)
Peter J Peers (12.3)
John Potts (20.3)
Ryan Potts (8.8)
Brian M Pugh (21.1)
David Purchase (10.1)
Andrew Purshouse (9.9)
Steven Purshouse (15.7)
Michael Rawlins (11.4)
Tony Richards (21.0)
Kevin Richardson (11.7)
Jonathan Rix (Walsall Golf Club)
Gary Roberts (15.9)
Philip Robson (10.9)
Phillip Rochfort (12.8)
David Rogers (19.8)
George Rowley (22.0)
Stephen Ryan (16.9)
Matthew Salt (17.3)
Gary Schnabel (10.2)
Chris Scott-Douglas (8.7)
Robert John Shaw (19.6)
Stephen Sims (21.9)
Jack Singh (18.5)
Carl Smith (10.7)
Kenneth Smith (27.0)
Les Smith (20.7)
Robert J Smith (18.1)
Geoffrey Stackhouse (25.7)
Carl Stanton (16.6)
Tony Stanton (30.7)
David Charles Starczynski (16.7)
Alex Stewart (30.5)
Dave Storey (13.3)
Mark Story (28.1)
John Stringer (12.7)
Kevin Tapper (15.7)
David Anthony Taylor (13.2)
Norman J Taylor (Walsall Golf Club)
Tony Taylor (34.7)
R Turnbull (The South Staffordshire Golf Club)
Alfred Vaughan (16.8)
David Walters (25.8)
I P Welch (Wrekin)
Andrew Wellings (19.4)
Bob White (19.3)
Frederick Whitehouse (20.8)
Andrew Willetts (Patshull Park Golf Club)
Stuart Willetts (Patshull Park Golf Club)
Clive Williams (18.5)
Alistair Wootton (21.3)
Harrison Worley (5.9)
Deryck Worrall (14.6)


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